Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

A secure financial future is obtained through clearly stated goals and attention to the many components of your financial life. While many of the services outlined below are the building blocks of a plan they must be addressed through an overriding view of what it is you are trying to accomplish. At the beginning of your relationship with Albion, and constantly throughout the process, Albion works to understand your personal financial and lifetime goals. An understanding of who you are and what you would like to accomplish provides the essential framework for our efforts on your behalf. Our objective is to help you make a series of good financial decisions year after year.

Careful estate planning helps you ensure that the assets you have created continue to benefit the people and causes that are most important to you. Without such planning, your estate may be severely diminished by federal and state taxes, with the remainder distributed in ways you might not have chosen.

Albion reviews your current plan with specific attention to the stream of beneficiaries and potential tax consequences. We then recommend strategies consistent with your goals that may transfer more to your heirs while providing financial advantages to you during your lifetime. Albion works with your estate-planning attorney throughout this process.

The primary financial goal for many of Albion’s clients is achieving a comfortable retirement. We can help guide you toward financial independence and a secure retirement through planning that includes detailed analysis and forecasts of your pre- and post-retirement life.

Our professional team reviews your current retirement savings strategies, including 401(k), 403(b), IRA, pension, and social security plans and provides advice to help increase your chances of achieving financial independence. Albion discusses the unavoidable tradeoffs inherent in investing and helps you maintain your desired standard of living through careful investment management focused on maximizing after-tax income throughout your retirement years.

With an initial understanding of your goals and objectives Albion turns to an assessment of your current financial situation. This entails an information-gathering exercise that helps you understand your overall financial situation. We clarify your net worth and analyze your cash flows to help you better understand your current situation and plan appropriately for your future.

The information from these analyses is viewed from a variety of perspectives. For example, we may determine that your investment allocation should be changed to better match your stated goals. We may also decide that your annual savings rate should be changed or redirected.

Guiding Clients to a Lifetime of Good Decisions

Investor Education

General investment education. Quick references for annual tax rates, savings, and retirement contributions, as well as Social Security and Medicare figures.

Quarterly Letters

Look back at a history of our quarterly letters with analysis and insight from our regular contributors and Albion’s financial experts.

Finance Videos

Watch our informational videos on personal finance, investing, estate planning, Albion’s GPS service, and more.


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