Mountain Money is a weekly radio show that appears on Park City’s NPR station KPCW. The show covers the unique challenges of working in the mountains by providing small-business news, real estate, estate planning and personal finance information.
Former Money Magazine contributor and KPCW General Manager Larry Warren hosts the program along with financial expert Doug Wells of Albion Financial Group. The program is produced by Dr. Beth Fratkin.
The Bottom Line is a radio show that appears on Salt Lake City’s public radio station KCPW. The show focuses on the human story behind building and running a successful company in Utah. The personal journey of its founders and leaders, the hard work, the tough decisions, the temporary setbacks and the occasional lucky breaks that all weave together to become part of the company’s fabric—its culture and its voice—that ultimately leads to the team’s success. Our goal is to bring the audience along on an intelligent, thought provoking conversation that is more about the journey than the destination.